Previous parts of this analysis harvested data on crypto prices for 5 exchanges and 5 currencies. It showed that price differences exist, offering arbitrage opportunities. It also described the behaviour of a bot realizing arbitrage.
# Library
# Load result
bilan[,-which(colnames(bilan)%in%c("transaction", "rebalance"))]= apply( bilan[,-which(colnames(bilan)%in%c("transaction", "rebalance"))], 2, as.numeric ) %>% as.tibble()
bilan$time=as.POSIXct( bilan$time, origin="1970-01-01")
# For each transaction, I calculate if it made me earn money or not.
bilan$gain[which(bilan$transaction=="yes")] = bilan$total_euro[ which(bilan$transaction=="yes") ] - bilan$total_euro[ which(bilan$transaction=="yes")-1 ]
# Time period:
from <- bilan$time %>% min %>% as.Date
to <- bilan$time %>% max %>% as.Date
lengthPeriod <- to - from
investment <- bilan[1, "total"]
# Number of transaction
nb_transac <- bilan %>% filter(transaction=="yes") %>% nrow()
# Number of time stamp
nb_timeStamp <- nrow(bilan)
# Final amount of money I have
# What I would have without arbitrage
final_without = bilan$total_without_arbitrage[nrow(bilan)]
# Gain compare to no arbitrage in euro, and in % of investment
# --> This is what I have to optimize
# Gain per 24hours?
length = bilan$time[nrow(bilan)] - bilan$time[1] # In character
length = as.numeric(as.duration(length)) / 3600 # In hours
diff_per_day=24*diff/ length
# Quantity of EURO
start_euro = bilan$total_euro[1]
end_euro = bilan$total_euro[nrow(bilan)]
gain_euro = end_euro - start_euro
# Quantity of CRYPTO
start_crypto <- bilan$total_crypto[1]
end_crypto <- bilan$total_crypto[nrow(bilan)]
gain_crypto <- end_crypto - start_crypto
gain_crypto_in_euro <- gain_crypto*bilan$last_plat1[nrow(bilan)]
# Quantity total
gain_total <- gain_euro + gain_crypto_in_euro
gain_total_percent <- gain_total / investment * 100
gain_total_percent_day <- gain_total_percent / time_length( lengthPeriod, unit="day")
gain_total_percent_year <- gain_total_percent_day * 365
Here is an overview of the bot features:
Bitcoincash prices have been harvested every couple of second on the period, resulting in 85072 unique time stamps
. The last
value is represented on the next chart for both Bitstamp and
# Build color
col_bitstamp <- rgb(255/255, 123/255, 34/255, 0.8)
col_cex <- rgb(105/255, 179/255, 162/255, 0.8)
# Plot
bilan %>%
select(time, last_plat1, last_plat2) %>%
gather(plateform, value, -1) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=time, y=value, color=plateform)) +
geom_line() +
scale_color_manual(values=c(col_bitstamp, col_cex), name="", labels = c("Bitstamp", "") ) +
ylab("Bitcoin price on the exchange") +
theme_ipsum() +
legend.position = c(0.08, 0.2)
Basically, the prices started around 725 euros to reach 800 euros on the 20th of June and decrease continuously to reach 600 euros at the end of the period. Prices on both exchanges are very close, but a few discrepencies are visible, what will probably open a few arbitrage opportunities.
At each time stamp, the arbitrage bot computed the price difference between exchanges in %. These differences are represented on the graphic below:
col_red <- rgb(255/255, 0/255, 0/255, 0.4)
col_blue <- rgb(0/255, 0/255, 255/255, 0.4)
# Plot price differences and arbitrage occurence
p <- bilan %>%
mutate(vline_transac=ifelse(transaction=="yes" & rebalance=="no", time, NA)) %>%
mutate(vline_rebalance=ifelse(transaction=="yes" & rebalance=="yes", time, NA)) %>%
mutate(vline_transac=as.POSIXct(vline_transac, origin="1970-01-01")) %>%
mutate(vline_rebalance=as.POSIXct(vline_rebalance, origin="1970-01-01")) %>%
rowwise() %>%
select(time, diff_side1, diff_side2, transaction, vline_transac, vline_rebalance) %>%
gather( key=side, value=value, -c(1,4,5,6,7)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=time, y=value, color=side)) +
#geom_abline(slope=0, intercept=0, color="grey") +
geom_abline(slope=0, intercept=unique(bilan$thres), color="grey", linetype="dashed") +
geom_vline( aes(xintercept=vline_transac), color="orange") +
geom_vline( aes(xintercept=vline_rebalance), color="pink") +
geom_line() +
scale_color_manual(values=c(col_red, col_blue)) +
theme_ipsum() +
ylim(-7,7) +
ylab("Price difference (%)") +
xlab("Day (June)") +
ggtitle(paste0("Bitcoincash price difference between Bitstamp and Cex")) +
scale_x_datetime(date_breaks = "1 day", date_labels = "%d", minor_breaks=NULL)
ggsave(p, file="IMG/bot_description_step3.png", width=7, height=4)
Since the Cex price is often over the Bitstamp price, it is often better to buy at Bitstamp and sell a Cex (the blue line).
In the above graphic, vertical orange lines represent an arbitrage transaction. Pink vertical lines represent a rebalancing situation. When the price difference reach the bot treshold of 0.8%, 21 euros of crypto are bought on an exchange and sold on the other.
These transaction are represented on the next graphic, where the quantity of Euro (top) and the quantity of Crypto (bottom) are represented for Bitstamp and
# Quantity of euro on both exchanges:
c=bilan %>%
select(time, euro_plat1, euro_plat2) %>%
gather(plateform, value, -1) %>%
mutate(label = if_else(time == max(time), as.character(plateform), NA_character_)) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=time, y=value, color=plateform, group=plateform)) +
geom_line(size=1.3) +
scale_color_manual(values=c(col_bitstamp, col_cex), name="", labels = c("Bitstamp", "") ) +
theme_ipsum() +
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,0,1), "cm")
) +
ylab("Quantity of Euro") +
expand_limits(y=0) +
# Quantity of crypto on both exchanges
d=bilan %>%
select(time, crypto_plat1, crypto_plat2) %>%
gather(plateform, value, -1) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=time, y=value, color=plateform)) +
geom_line(size=1.3) +
scale_color_manual(values=c(col_bitstamp, col_cex), name="", labels = c("Bitstamp", "") ) +
theme_ipsum() +
plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,0,1), "cm")
) +
ylab("Quantity of Crypto") +
expand_limits(y=0) +
p <- c + d + plot_layout(ncol = 1)
ggsave(p, file="IMG/amount_evolution.png", width=7, height=4)
So basically, when the bot find that is significantly cheaper than Bitstamp (first break), it buys crypto on and sells some on Bitstamp. Thus the Bitstamp amount of euro increases and the Bitstamp amount of crypto increases. Conversely for
At each transaction the bot is supposed to make a tiny margin, thus the total quantity of euro is suppose to slowly increase. Indeed, the process started with 206.88 and finished with 210, what is a gain of 3.12.
# Zoom on the total quantity of euro I have
p <- bilan %>%
ggplot(aes(x=time, y=total_euro)) +
geom_line(color="black") +
theme_ipsum() +
ylab("Total amount of Euro") +
ggsave(p, file="IMG/Euro_quantity.png", width=7, height=4)
#p2 <- bilan %>%
# ggplot(aes(x=time, y=total_crypto)) +
# geom_line(color="black") +
# theme_ipsum() +
# ylab("Total amount of Crypto") +
# xlab("")
However it is important to notice that the bot is imperfect, and the quantity of crypto has not been maintained as planned. Indeed, -0.00293 have been lost, what represents -1.9 euros. Thus the real amount of money we made is actually 1.2165007. This represent a benefit of 0.3016489% of our initial investment.
Said differently, the bot made a profit of 0.0430927% per day, what looks tiny but still represents a benefit of 15.7288359% a year, which is still much more than the bank would offer me.
bilan %>%
ggplot(aes(x=time, y=gain, color=as.factor(rebalance))) +
geom_point() +
scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE, labels=c("Arbitrage", "Rebalancing"), name="") +
geom_abline(slope=0, size=0.3 ) +
theme_ipsum() +
ylim(-1, 1) +
theme(legend.position=c(.05, .9))+
xlab("") +
ylab("Benefit of the transaction (in % of the trade)")
Even if this work is a good proof of concept of what crypto arbitrage is, it is quite unlikely that I will ever get rich using this technique.
A work by Yan Holtz for