Let’s load some libraries needed
# Libraries
library(tidyverse) # includes ggplot2
library(hrbrthemes) # better chart appearance
library(viridis) # better color palette
library(plotly) # interactive charts
# The dataset is provided in the gapminder library
Let’s keep data for 2007 only
<- gapminder %>% filter(year=="2007") %>% select(-year) data
Build the chart with ggplot2, make it interactive with plotly.
# Interactive version
<- data %>%
p mutate(gdpPercap=round(gdpPercap,0)) %>%
mutate(pop=round(pop/1000000,2)) %>%
mutate(lifeExp=round(lifeExp,1)) %>%
arrange(desc(pop)) %>%
mutate(country = factor(country, country)) %>%
mutate(text = paste("Country: ", country, "\nPopulation (M): ", pop, "\nLife Expectancy: ", lifeExp, "\nGdp per capita: ", gdpPercap, sep="")) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=gdpPercap, y=lifeExp, size = pop, color = continent, text=text)) +
geom_point(alpha=0.7) +
scale_size(range = c(1.4, 19), name="Population (M)") +
scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE, guide=FALSE) +
theme_ipsum() +
ggplotly(p, tooltip="text")
A work by Yan Holtz