Yan Holtz, Zhihong Zhu, Julanne Frater, Perry Bartlett, Jian Yang, John McGrath
I lost a few hours of my life installing the LDSC software properly. Here are a few hints to do it faster next time. Important:
cd /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT
git clone https://github.com/bulik/ldsc.git
# Then install Anaconda. Warning: must be version 2 of python, not 3.
cd /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda2-5.1.0-Linux-x86_64.sh
#start installation in /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT
# Then follow https://github.com/bulik/ldsc
# To have help:
/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/ldsc.py -h
# I also download LD scrore provided by LDSC:
wget https://data.broadinstitute.org/alkesgroup/LDSCORE/eur_w_ld_chr.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf eur_w_ld_chr.tar.bz2
LD score regression test is run to check the genetic correlation between Vitamin-D concentration and GWAS summary statistics for traits potentially influenced by vitamin D concentration. Note that all outcome gwases are listed in supplementary file with their associated publication and main features. 75 traits are considered and divided in three categories.
Here is the script to compute genetic correlation between vitaminD and every other traits based on GWAS summary statistics.
# Good folder
cd /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/4_LDSC/GENET_COR
# GWAS result at good format: snpid hg18chr bp a1 a2 or se pval info ngt CEUaf
cat /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/DATA/GWAS/XiaEtAl_VitaminD/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.ma | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $7, $5, $8}' > input.txt
cat /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/DATA/GWAS/GWAS_SUMSTAT/alzheimers_igap_2013.txt | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $7, $5, $8}' > alz.txt
# Munge. Be careful to call the python version which is IN ldsc.
/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/munge_sumstats.py \
--sumstats input.txt \
--out input \
--merge-alleles /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/w_hm3.snplist
# Munge. Be careful to call the python version which is IN ldsc.
/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/munge_sumstats.py \
--sumstats alz.txt \
--N 79000 \
--out alz \
--merge-alleles /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/w_hm3.snplist
# LD Score Regression
/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/ldsc.py \
--rg input.sumstats.gz,alz.sumstats.gz \
--ref-ld-chr /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
--w-ld-chr /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
--out vitD_alz
# Good folder
cd /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/4_LDSC/GENET_COR
# Reformat and mudge each GWAS summary statistics you wanna study
for i in /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/DATA/GWAS/GWAS_SUMSTAT/* ; do
filename=$(echo $i | sed 's/.*UMSTAT\///') ;
echo $filename
echo "cat $i | awk '{print \$1, \$2, \$3, \$7, \$5, \$8}' > ${filename}_ready" > script_${filename}
echo "/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/munge_sumstats.py --sumstats ${filename}_ready --out ${filename} --merge-alleles /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/w_hm3.snplist" >> script_${filename}
chmod 777 script_${filename}
tmp_command=$(echo ./script_${filename})
echo $tmp_command
qsubshcom "$tmp_command" 1 5G munge 10:00:00 ""
# Idem for Vitamin D
cat /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/DATA/GWAS/XiaEtAl_VitaminD/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.ma | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $7, $5, $8}' > input.txt
/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/munge_sumstats.py \
--sumstats input.txt \
--out input \
--merge-alleles /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/w_hm3.snplist
# Clean
rm *ready *log script*
# Run LD score regression for all of them
for i in *sumstats.gz ; do
filename=$(echo $i | sed 's/.sumstats.gz//')
echo $filename;
echo "/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/ldsc.py \
--rg input.sumstats.gz,$i \
--ref-ld-chr /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
--w-ld-chr /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
--out vitD_${filename}" > script_${filename}
chmod 777 script_${filename}
tmp_command=$(echo ./script_${filename})
echo $tmp_command
qsubshcom "$tmp_command" 1 5G genet_cor 10:00:00 ""
# Concatenate result in a clean file
cat vit*log | grep -B1 "^input" | head -1 | uniq > genetic_correlation.txt
cat vit*log | grep "^input" >> genetic_correlation.txt
# transfer locally
cd /Users/y.holtz/Dropbox/QBI/4_UK_BIOBANK_GWAS_PROJECT/VitaminD-GWAS/0_DATA
scp y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au:/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/4_LDSC/GENET_COR/genetic_correlation.txt .
# Clean
rm -r job_reports *log script*
# NOTE: the previous chunk of code include the mudging part that is necessary here
# Prepare vitamin D
cat /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/DATA/GWAS/XiaEtAl_VitaminD/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.ma | awk '{print $1, $2, $3, $7, $5, $8}' > vitaminD.txt
/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/munge_sumstats.py \
--sumstats vitaminD.txt \
--out vitaminD \
--merge-alleles /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/w_hm3.snplist
# Make a list of risk factors
listRisk=$( echo bmi_giant_2015.txt.sumstats.gz dbp_ukb_v1_2016.txt.sumstats.gz eduyears_ssgac_2016.txt.sumstats.gz hdl_glgc_2013.txt.sumstats.gz height_giant_2014.txt.sumstats.gz ldl_glgc_2013.txt.sumstats.gz ukbEUR_IPAQG_cojo.txt.sumstats.gz ukbEUR_SI_cojo.txt.sumstats.gz sbp_ukb_v1_2016.txt.sumstats.gz GWAS_tanning_UKBB.ma.sumstats.gz whradjbmi_giant_2015.txt.sumstats.gz vitaminD.sumstats.gz)
# For each risk:
for i in $(echo $listRisk) ; do
# Show where we are
filename1=$(echo $i | sed 's/.sumstats.gz//' )
echo $filename1
# Run LD score regression for every pairs
for j in *sumstats.gz ; do
filename2=$(echo $j | sed 's/.sumstats.gz//' )
echo "/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/anaconda3/envs/ldsc/bin/python /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/ldsc.py \
--rg $i,$j \
--ref-ld-chr /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
--w-ld-chr /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/SOFT/ldsc/eur_w_ld_chr/ \
--out vitD_${filename1}_${filename2}" > script_${filename1}__${filename2}
chmod 777 script_${filename1}__${filename2}
tmp_command=$(echo ./script_${filename1}__${filename2})
qsubshcom "$tmp_command" 1 5G genet_cor 10:00:00 ""
sleep 40
# Concatenate result in a clean file
cat vit*log | grep -A1 "^p1" | head -1 | uniq > genetic_correlation_riskFactor.txt
cat vit*log | grep -A1 "^p1" | grep -v "h2_obs" | grep -v "^-" >> genetic_correlation_riskFactor.txt
# transfer locally
cd /Users/y.holtz/Dropbox/QBI/4_UK_BIOBANK_GWAS_PROJECT/VitaminD-Causality/0_DATA
scp y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au:/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/4_LDSC/GENET_COR/genetic_correlation_riskFactor.txt .
# Clean
rm -r job_reports *log script*
Here is the result for the genetic correlation between vitamin-D and other traits. Three graphics are provided, highlighting primary traits, secondary traits and risk factors. A few explanation to read the figure:
# read the genet correlation
data <- read.table("0_DATA/genetic_correlation.txt", header=T)
# Read the meaning of files:
meaning=read.xls("0_DATA/list_of_traits_GSMR.xlsx", header=T)
# Merge
data <- data %>%
mutate(p2=gsub(".sumstats.gz","",p2)) %>%
left_join(meaning, by=c("p2"="File"))
# Show trait important
data %>%
filter(Group=="Primary") %>%
arrange(rg) %>%
mutate(signif=ifelse(p<0.05,"signif","non signif")) %>%
mutate(Trait=factor(Trait, unique(Trait))) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=Trait, y=rg, color=signif)) +
#geom_segment( aes(x=Trait, xend=Trait, y=0, yend=rg), color="grey") +
geom_errorbar(aes(x=Trait, ymin=rg-se, ymax=rg+se), alpha=0.5) +
geom_point(size=2) +
geom_point( aes(x=Trait, y=-0.21, size=h2_obs), color="grey", alpha=0.3) +
coord_flip() +
theme_ipsum() +
ylab("Primary traits") +
xlab("") +
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()
) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
ggtitle("Genetic correlation with Vitamin-D")
# Show trait important
data %>%
filter(Group=="Secondary") %>%
arrange(rg) %>%
mutate(signif=ifelse(p<0.05,"signif","non signif")) %>%
mutate(Trait=factor(Trait, unique(Trait))) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=Trait, y=rg, color=signif)) +
#geom_segment( aes(x=Trait, xend=Trait, y=0, yend=rg), color="grey") +
geom_errorbar(aes(x=Trait, ymin=rg-se, ymax=rg+se), alpha=0.5) +
geom_point(size=2) +
geom_point( aes(x=Trait, y=-0.23, size=h2_obs), color="grey", alpha=0.3) +
coord_flip() +
theme_ipsum() +
ylab("Secondary traits") +
xlab("") +
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()
) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
ggtitle("Genetic correlation with Vitamin-D")
# Show trait important
data %>%
filter(Group=="Risk") %>%
arrange(rg) %>%
mutate(signif=ifelse(p<0.05,"signif","non signif")) %>%
mutate(Trait=factor(Trait, unique(Trait))) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=Trait, y=rg, color=signif)) +
#geom_segment( aes(x=Trait, xend=Trait, y=0, yend=rg), color="grey") +
geom_errorbar(aes(x=Trait, ymin=rg-se, ymax=rg+se), alpha=0.5) +
geom_point(size=2) +
geom_point( aes(x=Trait, y=-0.23, size=h2_obs), color="grey", alpha=0.3) +
coord_flip() +
theme_ipsum() +
ylab("Genetic correlation") +
xlab("") +
panel.grid.major.y = element_blank()
) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
ggtitle("Risk factors")
Here is the result for the genetic correlations between all the risk factors and the primary traits of this study. Vitamin-D is included. color ranges from dark blue (strong negative correlation) to dark red (strong positive correlation).
# read the genet correlation
data <- read.table("0_DATA/genetic_correlation_riskFactor.txt", header=T)
# Read the meaning of files:
meaning <- read.xls("0_DATA/list_of_traits_GSMR.xlsx", header=T) %>%
select(Group, Trait, File)
# Add one line for vitaminD
meaning <- rbind(meaning, data.frame(Group="Risk", Trait="Vitamin D", File="vitaminD"))
# Merge
data <- data %>%
mutate(p1=gsub(".sumstats.gz","",p1)) %>%
mutate(p2=gsub(".sumstats.gz","",p2)) %>%
left_join(meaning, by=c("p2"="File")) %>%
left_join(meaning, by=c("p1"="File"))
# Need to spread
data <- data %>%
filter(Group.x=="Primary") %>%
select(Trait.x, Trait.y, rg) %>%
spread(key=Trait.x, value=rg, -2)
# Transform in a matrix
rownames(data) <- data$Trait.y
data <- data %>% select(-Trait.y) %>% as.matrix()
# Heatmap (note: file is saved as png)
legend = FALSE,
fontsize = 5.5,
display_numbers=TRUE, fontsize_number=4,
treeheight_row=0, treeheight_col = 0,
filename="IMG/genet_cor_heatmap_primary.png", witdh=7, height=4
Same result for the secondary traits:
# read the genet correlation
data <- read.table("0_DATA/genetic_correlation_riskFactor.txt", header=T)
# Read the meaning of files:
meaning <- read.xls("0_DATA/list_of_traits_GSMR.xlsx", header=T) %>%
select(Group, Trait, File)
# Add one line for vitaminD
meaning <- rbind(meaning, data.frame(Group="Risk", Trait="Vitamin D", File="vitaminD"))
# Merge
data <- data %>%
mutate(p1=gsub(".sumstats.gz","",p1)) %>%
mutate(p2=gsub(".sumstats.gz","",p2)) %>%
left_join(meaning, by=c("p2"="File")) %>%
left_join(meaning, by=c("p1"="File"))
# Need to spread
data <- data %>%
filter(Group.x=="Secondary") %>%
select(Trait.x, Trait.y, rg) %>%
spread(key=Trait.x, value=rg, -2)
# Transform in a matrix
rownames(data) <- data$Trait.y
data <- data %>% select(-Trait.y) %>% as.matrix()
# Heatmap (note: file is saved as png)
legend = FALSE,
fontsize = 5.5,
display_numbers=TRUE, fontsize_number=4,
treeheight_row=0, treeheight_col = 0,
filename="IMG/genet_cor_heatmap_secondary.png", witdh=7, height=4
A strong genetic correlation does not necessarily involves a causal relationship, and reciprocaly. Here is the comparison between genetic correlation and causal effect between Vitamin D and all the traits.
# read the genet correlation
data <- read.table("0_DATA/genetic_correlation_riskFactor.txt", header=T)
# Read the meaning of files:
meaning <- read.xls("0_DATA/list_of_traits_GSMR.xlsx", header=T) %>%
select(Group, Trait, File)
# Add one line for vitaminD
meaning <- rbind(meaning, data.frame(Group="Risk", Trait="Vitamin D", File="vitaminD"))
# Merge
data <- data %>%
mutate(p1=gsub(".sumstats.gz","",p1)) %>%
mutate(p2=gsub(".sumstats.gz","",p2)) %>%
left_join(meaning, by=c("p2"="File")) %>%
left_join(meaning, by=c("p1"="File"))
# read gsmr results
gsmr <- read.table("0_DATA/gsmr_result_vitaminDXiaEtAl.gsmr", header = T) %>%
mutate(Outcome=gsub("_", " ", Outcome))
# Select vitamin-D vs primary
p <- data %>%
select(Group.x, Trait.x, Trait.y, rg) %>%
filter(Trait.y=="Vitamin D") %>%
left_join( gsmr, by=c("Trait.x"="Outcome")) %>%
mutate(mytext=paste0("Trait: ", Trait.x, "\nGenetic Cor: ",round(rg,2), "\nBxy: ", round(bxy,2))) %>%
filter(!is.na(Group.x)) %>%
ggplot( aes(x=rg, y=bxy, text=mytext)) +
geom_point(aes(color=Group.x), size=2, alpha=0.6) +
theme_ipsum() +
scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE, name="") +
ylim(-0.5,0.5) +
xlim(-0.5,0.5) +
xlab("Genetic correlation") +
ylab("Causality effect")
ggplotly(p, tooltip="text")
Globally there is no relationships between Rg
and Bxy
. Note that several figure cases exist:
A work by Yan Holtz