Yan Holtz, Zhihong Zhu, Julanne Frater, Perry Bartlett, Jian Yang, John McGrath


Data analysis: this document summarizes the data analysis leading to the results presented in the paper. It is organized as follow:

Note: Some of the script described here are computationnaly intensive and thus run on 2 different clusters. See the code below for connection on the cluster.

# ------  DELTA -----------
ssh y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au
cd /shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/

# Medici on delta:
cd /gpfs/gpfs01/polaris/Q0286/

# ------  INODE -----------
ssh uqyholtz@inode.qbi.uq.edu.au

Note: This document is hosted in this github repository

A work by Yan Holtz
