Yan Holtz, Zhihong Zhu, Julanne Frater, Perry Bartlett, Jian Yang, John McGrath

This file is the first part of the vitamin-D GWAS analysis. What it does:

# We will need a few library to run this document
library(rmarkdown)    # You need this library to run this template.
library(epuRate)      # Install with devtools: install_github("holtzy/epuRate", force=TRUE)

Describe Vitamin-D

#Load the file in R
data <- read.table("0_DATA/pheno.txt.gz", header=T, sep=" ")


tot <- nrow(data)
blood <- nrow(data[which(!is.na(data$f.4079.0.0)),])

I have 502629 people in the UKB.
Among them 468182 people have info concerning their blood pressure (93.146635 %)


Distribution of the distolic blood pressure:

data %>%
  ggplot( aes(x=f.4079.0.0)) +
    geom_density( fill="skyblue", color="skyblue") +
    xlab("Diastolic blood pressure")

IPAQ score phenotype

The IPAQ score is an estimate of outdoor activities. (International Physical Activity Questionnaire Score). It takes into account:

The sum of them gives the IPAQ score. Let’s compute it in R.

This work is done on the Inode server, the file I get is transfered locally using ssh.

# good repertory
ssh uqyholtz@inode.qbi.uq.edu.au
cd /ibscratch/wrayvisscher/Yan_Holtz/4_UKB_GWAS/3_BLOOD_GWAS/0_DATA

# Get the good column + repeat the ID + change header to respect plink format
zcat /references/UKBiobank/pheno/download/9280_12505_UKBiobank.tab.gz | awk '{print $1,$1,$8,$22,$280,$283,$286,$289,$292,$295}' > tmp

# Transfert locally
cd /Users/y.holtz/Desktop
scp uqyholtz@inode.qbi.uq.edu.au:/ibscratch/wrayvisscher/Yan_Holtz/0_DATA/tmp .

# Open this file in R, and compute IPAQ
data <- read.table("tmp.gz",  header=T, sep=" ")
a <- data$`f.864.0.0` * data$`f.874.0.0` * 3.3
b <- data$`f.884.0.0` * data$`f.894.0.0` * 4
c <- data$`f.904.0.0` * data$`f.914.0.0` * 8
data$IPAQ <- a + b + c
colnames(data)[c(1,2)] <- c("FID", "IID")
# Number of missing data?

# Save with new score
write.table(data, file="UKB_IPAQ_score.txt", row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

# Send it on Delta
scp  UKB_IPAQ_score.txt  y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au:/shares/compbio/Group-Wray/YanHoltz/DATA/PHENOTYPE/UKB

A work by Yan Holtz
