Yan Holtz, Zhihong Zhu, Julanne Frater, Perry Bartlett, Jian Yang, John McGrath
This document describes the vitamin D GWAS result of the Xia et al publication. It also reports the application of SMR and GSMR to this dataset, using Vitamin D as the risk factor, and testing its potential implication with ~80 diseases. Data downloaded from here
The genetic determinism of Vitamin-D appears to be oligogenic with about 6 loci involved. The association on chromosome 4 is very strong, with a -log(p-value) > 300.
# Read result
data=read_delim("0_DATA/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear.gz", col_names=T, delim=" ")
#data=data[ sample(seq(1,nrow(data)), 10000) , ]
# Read after clumping data
clump=read.table("0_DATA/result_GWAS_VitaminD_XiaEtAl_clumped", header=T)
# A list of all SNPs implicated in an association?
Hit_SNP <- c(
strsplit(as.character(clump$SP2), ',', fixed=TRUE) %>% unlist() %>% gsub("\\(.\\)", "", .)
Hit_SNP <- Hit_SNP[Hit_SNP != "NONE"]
# -------- Add cumulative position + clumping information to data
don <- data %>%
# Compute chromosome size and merge this info to the GWAS result
group_by(CHR) %>%
summarise(chr_len=max(BP)) %>%
mutate(tot=cumsum(chr_len)-chr_len) %>%
dplyr::select(-chr_len) %>%
left_join(data, ., by=c("CHR"="CHR")) %>%
# keep only SNP with pvalue < 0.05: it makes the plot realisation way faster
filter( P<0.1 ) %>% # | SNP %in% sample(data$SNP, 150000)
# Add a cumulative position colummn to the data set
arrange(CHR, BP) %>%
mutate( BPcum=BP+tot) %>%
# Add clumping information
mutate( is_major=ifelse(SNP %in% clump$SNP & P<10e-8, "yes", "no")) %>%
mutate( is_clump=ifelse(SNP %in% Hit_SNP, "yes", "no"))
# -------- prepare X axis
axisdf = don %>% group_by(CHR) %>% summarize(center=( max(BPcum) + min(BPcum) ) / 2 )
# -------- Basic plot
ggplot(don, aes(x=BPcum, y=-log10(P))) +
# Show all points
geom_point( aes(color=as.factor(CHR)), alpha=0.3, size=0.5) +
scale_color_manual(values = rep(c("grey", "pink"),44)) +
# Add highlighted points for significant association:
geom_point(data=subset(don, is_clump=="yes"), color="orange", size=0.2) +
geom_point(data=subset(don, is_major=="yes"), color="red", size=4) +
geom_label_repel( data=subset(don, is_major=="yes"), aes(label=SNP), size=2.8) +
# Make X axis:
scale_x_continuous( label = as.character(axisdf$CHR), breaks= axisdf$center ) +
# Signicativity line
geom_hline(yintercept = 8, color="orange", size=0.7) +
theme_bw() +
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()
In this plot, the SNP involved in the significant associations have been removed. The idea is to focus on putative new association we will find in the UKB.
don$text <- paste("SNP: ", don$SNP, "\n", "-log10(P-val): ", round(-log10(don$P),2), "\n", "Position: ", don$BP, "\n", "Chromosome: ", don$CHR, "\n", "Beta: ", don$BETA)
p <- don %>%
filter(is_clump=="no") %>%
filter( P<0.001 ) %>% # | SNP %in% sample(data$SNP, 150000)
ggplot( aes(x=BPcum, y=-log10(P), text=text)) +
# Show all points
geom_point( aes(color=as.factor(CHR)), alpha=0.3, size=0.5) +
scale_color_manual(values = rep(c("grey", "pink"),44)) +
# Make X axis:
scale_x_continuous( label = as.character(axisdf$CHR), breaks= axisdf$center ) +
# Signicativity line
geom_hline(yintercept = 8, color="orange", size=0.7) +
theme_bw() +
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank()
) +
ggplotly(p, tooltip = "text")
Interactive version of the Manhattan plot. Only SNP with -log10(P) >2 & <8 are represented. Hover a point to have information concerning the SNP. Select a specific zone with your mouse to zoom on it. Be patient, there is about 40k points represented..
There are 6 main associations:
Locus Zoom allows to visualise the regions of interest and see the underlying genes. Just requires the .linear result of PLINK on it, and specify the SNP of interest. Here is the result SNP per SNP:
I run the plink clumping algorithm on this GWAS summary statistics to have an insight of the unique association loci. Here are the clumping options I’ve used. Note: GWAS summary file must NOT be zipped.
# good folder
cd /home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/2_CLUMPING
# Sum stat of each chromosome
for i in $(seq 1 22) ; do
cat /home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/1_GWAS/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear | head -1 > file_chr_${i}
cat /home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/1_GWAS/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear | grep "^${i} " >> file_chr_${i}
# Prepare command
tmp_command="plink \
--bfile /gpfs/gpfs01/polaris/Q0286/UKBiobank/v2EURu_HM3/ukbEURu_imp_chr{TASK_ID}_v2_HM3_QC\
--clump file_chr_{TASK_ID} \
--clump-p1 0.00000001 --clump-p2 0.01 --clump-r2 0 --clump-kb 1000 \
--out /home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/2_CLUMPING/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL_.clump_chr{TASK_ID}"
# Send qsub
qsubshcom "$tmp_command" 1 50G clumping_plink 30:00:00 "-array=1-22"
It is more handy to have only one file with all the chromosome. Let’s build it:
# good folder
# concatenate
cat *clumped | grep "CHR" | head -1 > result_GWAS_VitaminD_XiaEtAl_clumped
cat GWAS*clumped | grep -v "CHR" | sed '/^$/d' | grep -v "NA" >> result_GWAS_VitaminD_XiaEtAl_clumped
# Transfert it locally
cd /Users/y.holtz/Dropbox/QBI/4_UK_BIOBANK_GWAS_PROJECT/VitaminD-GWAS/0_DATA
scp y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au:/home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/2_CLUMPING/result_GWAS_VitaminD_XiaEtAl_clumped .
Do I have my 6 loci after clumping?
clump=read.table("0_DATA/result_GWAS_VitaminD_XiaEtAl_clumped", header=T)
FUMA is a tool for functional mapping and annotation of genetic associations ref. A FUMA analysis of this GWAS sumstat has been run. The result is accessible here.
# transfer locally for FUMA?
cd /Users/y.holtz/Desktop
scp y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au:/home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/1_GWAS/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear.gz .
A few thoughts on the FUMA analysis:
–> These results are very weird, I need to investigate further why FUMA does not work properly.
Xia et al. locate the SNP rs3755967 on chromosome 4, position 72,828,262 on their nature paper. I’ve read their publication several times, including supplementary data, but I didn’t see any information concerning the HG version used. After my mail they revised their data and produced a new file, with position 72,609,398
In my UKB data, this SNP rs3755967 is located at position 72,609,398. As far as I know UKB uses the Hg19 version of Human genome, which is the same as Hg37 if I understood well.
The dbSNP website tells that rs3755967 position is 71,743,681. It also says it is in the GC gene. It uses the GRCh38 version if I understood well.
The NCBI platform gives information on the gene GC: - Its position is 71,741,693 to 71,805,520 in HG 3
# I download the vitamin-D summary statistics from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0BzYDtCo_doHJRFRKR0ltZHZWZjQ
# Then from local download folder to delta
gzip upload_25HydroxyVitaminD_QC.METAANALYSIS1.txt
scp upload_25HydroxyVitaminD_QC.METAANALYSIS1.txt.gz y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au:/home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/1_GWAS
# good to delta folder
cd /home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/1_GWAS
# I miss the frequence of the major allele in this file. I can use the hapmap3 frequencies previously calculated
cat /home/y.holtz/BLOOD_GWAS/1_GWAS/PLINK/all_frequency_1.frq
# --- MA FORMAT --- make the file with this new column, transform it in a format suitable for GSMR.
echo "SNP A1 A2 freq b se p n" > GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.ma
join <(zcat upload_25HydroxyVitaminD_QC.METAANALYSIS1.txt.gz | sort -k 1,1) <(awk '{print $2, $6}' /home/y.holtz/BLOOD_GWAS/1_GWAS/PLINK/all_frequency*.frq | sort -k 1,1) | awk '{ print $1,$2,$3,$15,$4,$5,$6,$14}' >> GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.ma
# --- LINEAR FORMAT --- make a .linear format suitable for PLINK or FUMA
echo "CHR SNP BP A1 TEST NMISS BETA STAT P" > GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear
zcat upload_25HydroxyVitaminD_QC.METAANALYSIS1.txt.gz | grep -v 'Chr' | awk '{ print $12, $1, $13, $2, "ADD", $14, $4, $4*$5, $6}' >> GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear
R # We need to remove the 10^5 format for 100000 format
data=read.table("GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear", header=T)
data$BP = round(data$BP, 0)
data <- data %>% arrange(CHR, BP)
write.table(data, file="GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear", quote=F, row.names=FALSE )
# --- LIGHT FORMAT --- make a light version for github
cat GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear | head -1 > GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear.light
cat GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear | awk '{if( $9 < 0.1){print $0}}' >> GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear.light
gzip GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear.light
# Transfer locally?
scp y.holtz@delta.imb.uq.edu.au:/home/y.holtz/VITAMIND_XIA_ET_AL/1_GWAS/GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear.gz .
# Note: I need to delete 2 SNPs that have a P of 0 in the R output. Because R rounds them to 0
more GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear | awk '{ if($9!=0){print $0}}' | gzip > GWAS_vitaminD_XiaEtAL.linear_IGV.gz
A work by Yan Holtz